Catalina+GC3 Streams

In Mateu, Read & Kawata (2017, MNRAS accepted, arxive) we have used the xGC3 family of great-circle cell methods and the Catalina RR Lyrae (RRL) surveys (Drake et al. 2013a,b and Torrealba et al. 2015) to search for RRL streams in the Milky Way’s inner Halo (4<Rgal/kpc<25).   

All of our data and tools are publicly available here:

  1. Catalina + HSOY RR Lyrae catalogue with photometric metallicities, used in MRK-2017   (links will be activated upon paper’s acceptance)

  2. catalina_css_sss.gal_FeH.mrk2017.dat.gz (All RRL)

  3. catalina_css_sss.gal_FeH.no_gcdw.mrk2017.dat.gz (RRL inside tidal radius of known globular clusters and dwarf galaxy satellites removed - see MRK-2017)

  4. Catalogue of RRL stars associated to each stream candidate (Table 3 - also available as paper’s supplementary data):

  5. table_cand_rrls.onlineonly.dat

  6. galstreams - Milky Way Streams Footprint Library and Toolkit for Python. This  includes a compilation of spatial information for known stellar streams and overdensities in the Milky Way (MW) and Python tools for visualizing them. Also, a TOPCAT-friendly ASCII file is provided at galstreams/footprints to make quick plots of the library’s stream footprints

  1. PyMGC3 - Home page of the PyMGC3 Python toolkit to compute and analyze pole counts from the xGC3 family of methods (public GitHub repo here)


Cecilia Mateu (CIDA, IA-UNAM), Justin Read (University of Surrey), Daisuke Kawata (MSSL)


Cecilia Mateu - cmateu at / cmateu.cida at

If you have used these catalogues in your research, please consider letting me know and acknowledge Mateu, Read and Kawata (2017).    

Last update: 11/10/17